Here you will find details on our sexy parties, special offers and new services. Keep updated with what is going on at Ashley Escorts and the Gentlemen's Retreat by checking this page regularly.
Enjoy Valentines party week with us this year ! There is only one Valentines day, so make it a special one ,with your favourite girls. 4 hour...
Come and Enjoy Relaxing Party with us this November Why not come and enjoy our November Party. Do not miss out this month party, ther...
Join us for FUN Party Week in October 2015 Do not miss out this month party, there will be a mixture of regular and new Ladies joining us fo...
It is summer again and our summer parties are ready to fullfil your fantasie :-) We wish to invite you guys to join 5 l...
Fun Naughty Party in July Escape the pressures of life and let us give you a party full of fun and naughty surprises :-) We wou...
Make a different to your summer this year ! Why not join in with our summer parties :-) Where you will feel as if you had more then a Holiday .4 ho...
Soon is summer again and our summer parties just about to begin. We wish to invite five men to join 5 ladies for a four hours ex...
Come and Enjoy our Valentines parties with your favourite girls ! There is only one Valentine , so make it a specia...
Hi Everyone Due to popular demand, we are delighted to offer our members the opportunity to book a genuine Thai Physic...
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Thank you to all our members and guests who came to our u...
SUMMER PARTY in May Book now !! It is summer again and our summer parties just about to begin. Escape the pressures of life and let...